Electric Vehicles Efficiency not Unconditional

Electric vehicles are incredibly efficient and ecofriendly, with capabilities of traveling hundreds of miles without need a charge. They even require exponentially less maintenance than traditional combustion engines. More importantly, they are incredibly ecologically friendly, not emitting harmful CO2 into the atmosphere.

Electric motors are a great alternative to gas vehicles and a great answer to how society is going to develop a more earth friendly means of life. They also run much more smoothly and quietly than a typical engine, even those found in later model cars. But there are factors that impact how efficient they operate.

Just as motorists with traditional gas-based vehicles need to know what kind of range they can expect on single tank of gas, measured in miles per gallon, electric vehicle (EV) drivers need to have a gage on what kind of range they can expect on a single charge. Research shows the average EV has a city range of just over 100 miles, according to AAA. But there are some conditions that need to fall into place to achieve optimum range, namely outdoor temperature.

Additional research AAA conducted shows the average EV battery range was 105 miles at 75°F. This however dropped 57% to only 43 miles at 20°F. And when the mercury shot up to 95°F, efficiency dropped about 33% to a range of only 69 miles per full charge. SO the more average the temperature for your driving conditions, the better mileage you are likely to get from your EV. This, however, also depends on your driving habits, just as with a old-fashioned combustion engine.

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