Important Questions To Ask Your Mechanic

Finding a mechanic you can rely on can be, unfortunately, a troublesome and confusing endeavor. At AV Bumper to Bumper, we value keeping the utmost trust with our clients. The best way to get there is with a good line of communication that leads to a well-informed customer. Here are a few questions we’d be happy to answer.

Are you experienced? – Be sure the mechanics working on your car have undergone a level of training that makes you comfortable. This could mean a recognized trade school, an apprenticeship, or years and years of on-the-job training. For a large garage, this can get quite complicated.

Are you certified? – Ever glanced around an auto shop to see strange documents hanging decoratively on the walls? They were probably certificates obtained through strict standards and evaluations. At AV Bumper to Bumper, we hold Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certificates as machinist and master technician.  Like a diploma in your doctor’s office, these recognitions build trust and provide reassurance to the client.

Are you specialized? – Many shops pride themselves on a special area of repairs, where they might have very high passion and level of experience.  Similarly, some shops may specialize in certain makes of cars, especially foreign made. At AV Bumper to Bumper, we pride ourselves on being specialized in a wide array of car types and services.

Are you fair? – You’ll always want to ask what you’ll be paying for ahead of time in the form of an estimate. When presented with an option, ask your mechanic what he would do if he were the driver. It’s never a bad idea to ask about the negotiating process if a symptom returns post-repair. Any worry about a future problem can most certainly be alleviated with a little insight from your mechanic.

Are you precise? – Ask what shop charges for labor rates, and whether there are any additional anticipated fees. After the estimate, ask for a rundown of how your mechanic arrived at that price. This could come in the form of a descriptive tour around your car or an itemized invoice. Either way, it’s always nice to have an understanding of what you’re paying for and why.

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One Response to “Important Questions To Ask Your Mechanic”

Ernest London

I like that you mentioned to ask a mechanic if they have any certifications or distinctions. That way, you can know that they are quality tradesmen and will have experience and knowledge about what they are doing. I am trying to find the right mechanic to help me repair my car after an accident. I will definitely keep these tips in mind.


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